Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Sometimes I just feel off, musically. We played a show in Killeen last Friday and I was really just not right at times - like I was sort of learning how to do things that I already knew how to do and had done tons of times.

It doesn't exactly create self-confidence to not really know what your limbs or voice are going to do when you give them the same message you've given them hundreds of times. It was weird.

I feel better now, but I still don't get it. Maybe I'm just overly stressed and my neurons aren't firing as cleanly as before. Either way, we have a weekend off to collect our thoughts, and then we're going to be doing our first "two night stand" in as long as I can remember with this band up in Marble Falls. I'm going to figure out a way to record the show this time. I just bought an 8GB SD card for my Zoom Q3 video camera, and I'm going to figure out a way to rig it so it captures the stage and you can really see our show.

Once those videos are done, I'll edit them in Vegas and post them here. Hooray!

For now, I might just record an acoustic song and post it. Hmmm...perhaps the next post will be a link to a YouTube video. We shall see...

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