Friday, August 31, 2007

So it's been a little while...

And I have to say, things, musically, are looking pretty damn good.

Roman Holiday is getting some really good private parties and our foot in the door at some really respectable venues. We're about to enter "the land of the backing track" soon, so we'll see how that goes. It'll definitely fill out our sound.

Tonight Ned (RH guitarist) and I are heading over to check out another good Austin cover band called "Sprung". A guy I work with is their drummer.

I restrung and cleaned up my old #1 guitar, "Grandpa" (a 1990 Fender H.M. Strat Ultra), leaving the locking part of the locking nut off.

I think I'm going to modify it and put an Earvana nut or something like that on it. Maybe just graphite. I'm definitely going to have a luthier/tech do it, though, because I really want the guitar to be as awesome as it once was, only without the annoyance that is a stripped locking nut. Or, the more likely scenario: I'll do nothing and just enjoy it for what it is.

Anyway, no new songs since last post, but I do want to write some soon. Maybe I can gank a few free hours this holiday weekend and write and record a song.

We shall see... :)

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