Thursday, May 31, 2007


I'm scared.

I have to sing a whole night of songs tomorrow night, and I know I can do it, but I'm worried simply because I haven't done that (sing the whole night) in over a year.

We're gigging as a trio tomorrow night (which means a nice fat payday), and it's downtown on 6th street during the ROT rally (a big biker event this weekend in Austin). It should be an awesome crowd.

It's weird, as much as I know I can do certain things, vocally, I don't want to be overconfident. I realize that most people won't notice an out-of-tune note here and there, but I will, and being the guy I am, I want to be as close to perfect as possible, because it adds weight to demanding that of others.

It should be a great time, though.

We auditioned two more people, both very different. First was a bassist named Luis - he was good, sang pretty well, and won major points from me because his tester riff was "Glamour Boys" by Living Colour. Then we had a singer, Rob - more of a karaoke singer than a musician, but not terrible. Too inexperienced to join the band without other musical skills, though. I won't take anyone fronting the band who can't sing better than me, especially if they don't play an instrument.

That's all for now...come see the show tomorrow night at 10pm at the Iron Cactus - 6th and Trinity. The Musical Schizo comes to life... :)

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