Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Roman Holiday blather...

So we played The Light Bar. It was relatively fun, but load in and load out sucked.

I saw a dude I work with there. It was funny seeing him out of context. It was funnier seeing him singing along to the songs I was singing. The staff at the Light Bar was great - especially Jennifer. It's a cool place, and probably a really fun "hang" if you aren't working (as in, playing music in the heat and humidity on the roof).

It was probably our last gig with Mike, which is sad. We've got a gig Thursday evening at Stubb's to play for two hours for a private function. It should be cool - especially since Casey's going to play with us (Casey was the drummer in Roman Holiday up until February).

It's an uncertain future, though. We want to have good people who can also play to add to our little family, and so far, the guys we've auditioned have been good people, but none have been all that right for the band (either from their perspective or ours).

We've got another audition on Wednesday, and then we'll rehearse with Casey for Thursday's gig. It should be an adventure of sorts, since I haven't played with Casey in months. I'm looking forward to it, though. The drummer we're auditioning seems to be quite excellent from the stuff he's recorded. We'll see if he wants to play with us.

Well, off to do some more work...

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